Bay Area Warrior Writers-Veterans, Civilian Soldier Alliance and Allies of local veterans.
Warrior Writers is coming to the Bay area. We are inviting Veterans of all eras and all wars to join us for a healing and expressive community experience. On Saturday August 31st is the Veterans only workshop. We will further discuss transition and the positive and negative effects of being in the military. ;Warrior Writers encourages that we write and discuss, all of our struggles, life experiences, love, hate, empowerment, healing and the battles you face on and off the "battlefield". On Saturday August 31st Warrior Writers will have the tradionbal Veterans only workshop to explore more indepth the military culture, experiences and struggles of transition from military to civilian life. !--break -- When: Thursday August 29th Time: 6 to 8pm. Saturday August 31st, 2013(Veterans only) Where:Veteran Community Media Center 1720 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Please contact Jenny Pacanowski or Josh Shepard for more info, questions or to RSVP for either event. cell: 570-269-7528 or Josh's email: